AU Mediator Uhuru Kenyatta to Travel to Tigray

Following a meeting of Ethiopian government representatives and Tigrayan officials, former Kenya President and mediator Uhuru Kenyatta announces he will travel to Tigray’s capital Mekele with the African Union’s monitoring and verification team to check on the implementation of the Ethiopian peace deal “before the end of this month.” **

“The true statement that they need to make will be the statement they make when we are in Mekele in the next few days, observing and verifying the actions. Because documents are one thing, what we want now are the deliverables.” Kenyatta said.

“They have all concurred and agreed to give the monitoring and verification team of the African Union full access, full 360-degree viewpoint to ensure all the elements of the agreements are actually going to be implemented.” the former Kenyan President added.

Kenyatta also hinted that all foreign forces will be out of the Tigray region but didn’t specify a timeline for both the start and completion of their withdrawal.

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