WhatsApp to combat Internet blackouts with proxy server support

WhatsApp has announced new support for proxy server connectivity, allowing its users to retain access to the messaging service in countries with state-controlled Internet.

The firm stated that the update was driven by a concern for users that are being cut off from the outside world by government Internet restrictions, and will shield users from communications blackouts.

The Iranian government has restricted access to Meta platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram in recent months, and engaged in a shutdown of Internet services as human rights protests have escalated across the country.

Proxy servers work by acting as an intermediary between a user and the Internet-hosted service that’s trying to be accessed. In cases where states limit or outright block access to WhatsApp, users will be able to connect to a proxy server that’s separated from WhatsApp which then acts as a bridge to access the communications platform, bypassing state-imposed blocks.

“Our wish for 2023 is that these Internet shutdowns never occur,” said WhatsApp.

“Disruptions like we’ve seen in Iran for months on end deny people’s human rights and cut people off from receiving urgent help. Though in case these shutdowns continue, we hope this solution helps people wherever there is a need for secure and reliable communication.”

In a blog post, WhatsApp confirmed that the change will not affect the end-to-end encryption (E2EE) of messages sent using the app, and reaffirmed that neither those running proxy servers, nor WhatsApp and Meta, will be able to intercept messages sent using the new method.

To activate the feature, users simply select ‘Use Proxy’ in WhatsApp’s settings, and enter a valid proxy address. These can be shared on social media, or prior to a blackout to ensure that users can continue WhatsApp communication even with heavy network restrictions in place.

The issue at hand
Protests intensified in Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini under suspicious circumstances in ‘morality police’ custody. The suspicious deaths of further protesters such as Nika Shakarami have since increased anti-government activity.

In September 2022 the hacktivist collective Anonymous hacked Iranian government websites, as well as pro-government media organisations, in support of the protestors. The group has encouraged protesters to utilise the Deep Web onion router TOR to use the Internet without censorship, as the Iranian government has blocked access to traditional virtual private networks (VPN).

According to Statista, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world with more than 2 billion users.

WhatsApp via proxy is available now in the latest version of the app.

Ⓒ Future Publishing

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